Labor and Employment Archive
- Weingarten Rights: What the heck are Weingarten rights and how do they affect a district’s right to conduct a hearing? (04/2010)
- Workplace privacy rights and employee video surveillance are further examined by the California Supreme Court (04/2010)
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA): In May 2008, the federal Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (“GINA”) was signed into law. Read here for the latest information regarding Genetic Information Discrimination. (02/2010)
- Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate AB 1025 (10/2009)
- Court Confirms District Can Terminate Teacher Who Refused to Complete EL Certification (08/2009)
- Certificated Layoffs: Districts have asked for information on the rights of probationary and permanent employees who move to the layoff rehire list. This table briefly summarizes the statutory background and includes the applicable Education Code sections, with explanatory notes. (06/2009)
- Pre-Employment Inquiries SLS receives occasional inquiries from clients regarding the hiring process. This Legal Update provides information regarding the hiring process and pre-employment inquiries. (06/2009)
- Midsummer Certificated Layoff Options: The August 15 Layoffs Updated (05/2009)
- Non-Reelection of Probationary Teachers: The District’s Decision not to Reelect a Probationary Teacher is not Subject to Grievance Arbitration. (03/2009)
- Certificated Layoffs May Save Junior Teachers Serving In Alternative Education Programs (02/2009)
- Plea of Nolo Contendere: Check out our information regarding a plea of nolo contendere and what it can mean to your employees. (02/2009)
- Bledsoe-Biggs Case (02/2009)
- Military FMLA: Legislation has been enacted benefiting employees whose military spouse has been granted leave from deployment (02/2008)
- Creating and Maintaining a Certificated Seniority List-2008 (12/2007)
- Individual Salaries of Public Employees Must Now be Disclosed (08/2007)
- Pledge of Allegiance Unconstitutional: Federal District Court Judge declares Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional (09/2005)
- Adverse Employment Action: Supreme Court Expands Definition of Adverse Employment Action (08/2005)
- Hostile Work Environment: Supreme Court expands definition of Hostile Work Environment (08/2005)
- Community College Faculty Hiring Policies: Adoption of new faculty hiring policies and procedures (06/2005)
- Medical Services for Minor Students (03/2005)
- Employment Contract Language Changes (10/2004)
- Public Disclosure of Employee Disciplinary Records (05/2004)
- Interns, Pre-Interns and Emergency Permit Teachers (03/2004)
- Public Records Request (Principals) (11/2002) Bakersfield Californian Request
- October 2002 Personnel Legislation: October 2002 personnel legislation and other pertinent legislation from the October 2002 “What’s Hot” in School Law Workshop
- Military Reservists Called to Active Duty (12/2002)
- Public Records Request (Superintendents) (08/2002) Bakersfield Californian Request
- Notice to non-union member employees regarding agency fees (11/2001)
- Negotiability of Certificated Employee “Permanent” Status in K-12 Districts of Less Than 250 ADA (11/2001)
- Districts Can Limit the Wearing of Union Buttons (11/2001)
- Public Agency Not Required to List Documents Exempt from Public Records Request (11/2001)